HIGH DIAGNOSTIC SPECIFICITY AND SENSITIVITY Diagnostic sensitivity was verified on 128 HIV positive plasma samples acquired from Centre for AIDS Reagents (CFAR), National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC) Diagnostic specificity was verified on 500 HIV negative samples DUAL TARGET DETECTION Dual targeting prevents detection failure caused by possible mutations inside the HIV-1 genome DETECTS A BROAD SPECTRUM OF HIV-1 SUBTYPES HIV genotypes A - D, AE, F, AG-GH, Group N, Group O, BF, H, K, CRF03_AB SINGLE TUBE READY-TO-USE MASTER MIX Contains all components for PCR amplification No additional PCR reagents pipetting necessary Reduces the need for qualified laboratory staff Ensures reproducibility of the result CONTROL OF THE WHOLE DIAGNOSTIC PROCESS RNA extraction, reverse transcription and PCR amplification